Um die Wartezeit auf #pint22 zu verkürzen, haben wir ein kleines online
Event vorbereitet. Drei Speaker:nnen aus Österreich, die derzeit im
Ausland forschen, haben uns mehr über ihre Arbeit erzählt. Dabei ging es
um die Beziehung zwischen Hund & Mensch (Magdalena Boch), Körperteilen
aus dem Labor (Sarah Zippusch) und den Kampf gegen Krebszellen (Antonia
Wenn ihr euch das Event anschauen wollt, folgt bitte den Link:
Und wir sehen uns im Mai, diesmal in Pubs, in den vier Städten in Ö:
Wien, Innsbruck, Graz und Krems.
Save the date:
9. - 11. Mai 2022. Mehr Info folgt in Kürze....
Folge uns auf Twitter
In 2020, our team (Pronizius*, Feneberg*, Forbes*, Lamm*, Nater*, Piperno, Silani*, Stijovic*) conducted a large-scale multinational ecological momentary assessment study. We investigated the effect of the COVID-related restrictions on psychological well-being and how the restrictions were linked to certain coping strategies (e.g., music listening, reward seeking, social interactions, and other activities). As the assessment was implemented via a smartphone app#, our study design allows us to gain insights into everyday life of the participants and to collect their momentary day-to-day experience without interfering with their routine. The participants answered a set of short questionnaires five times per day on seven consecutive days. The data were then transferred via the internet and analyzed in a pseudoanonymized fashion.
* Shared co-first authorship.
# "movisensXS" (movisens GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany)
Funding: The COVID-19 Rapid Response grant from the University of Vienna (to CL), the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, I3381, to CL), and the University Research Platform "SOLE".