Other Scientific Output
Bislimi, N. (2025, January 25). Murky waters: Is self-other distinction a clearly defined concept? [Blog post].
Self-Other Distinction Project. Edited by
E. Pronizius. Retrieved from
Pappas, S. (2025, January 1). Psychology Takes a Global View.
Monitor on Psychology, 56(1).
| I discussed how clinical psychology benefits from big team science.
Pronizius, E. (2023).
Covid-19 Pandemic Heroes.
In Allison et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. Springer, Cham.
Marx, V. (2023).
Sizing a lab.
Nature Methods.
| I shared experiences and preferences regarding lab size dynamics.
The COVID-19 impact on research in Ambulatory Assessment Settings. (2021). Youtube.
| I provided recommendations on the optimal implementation of an Ambulatory Assessment study and the challenges they faced during the pandemic. Host: Movisens©
Mede, N.G., Cologna, V., Berger, S. ...
Pronizius, E. ... & Zwaan, R. (2025).
Public Communication about Science In 68 Countries: Global Evidence on How People Encounter Information About Science and Engage with It.
Sirota, M., Šrol, J., Lisi, M. ...
Pronizius, E. ... & Schmidt, K. (2025).
Mapping and Increasing Error Correction Behaviour in a Culturally Diverse Sample.
Vaidis, D.C., Miranda, J.F., Buchanan, E.M., Schmidt, K., Yang, Y., Kowal, M. ... Elsherif#, M.M. &
Pronizius#, E. (2024).
The Advantage of Big Team Science: Lessons Learned from Cognitive Science.
Phills, C., Miller, J.K., Buchanan, E.M. ...
Pronizius, E. ... & Kekecs, Z. (2024).
Multi-region Investigation of "Man" as Default in Attitudes.
Grigoryan, L., Grigoryan, A., Schmidt, K., Buchanan, E.M., Yousefi, S., Blackall, T. ...
Pronizius, E. ... & Silverstein, P. (2024).
(In)Alienable Worth? Cultural Logics of Dignity, Honor, and Face and their Links to Prosociality Across the World.
Dreisoerner, A., Feneberg, A.C., Forbes, P.A.G.,
Pronizius, E., Piperno, G., Stijovic, A., Skoluda, N., Lamm, C., Silani, G., & Nater, U.M. (2024).
Trajectories of Fatigue and Their Influence on Stress, Anxiety, and Mood During the Covid-19 Lockdowns: A Cohort Study with Ecological Momentary Assessment.
Frank, M., Grüning, D.J.,
Pronizius, E., Korbmacher, M., Elsherif, M.M., Bergmann, L. ... & Herderich, A. (2024).
Mapping Students' Open Science Attitudes and Preferences: Country and Education Level Differences.
Buchanan, E.M., Cuccolo, K., Coles, N.A. ...
Pronizius, E. ... & Angele, B. (2024).
Measuring the Semantic Priming Effect Across Many Languages.
Yang, X., Schulz, J.F., Schmidt, K. ...
Pronizius, E. ... & Dunham, Y. (2024).
Large-scale Cross-societal Examination of Real- and Minimal-group Biases.
Lester, B., Lamm, C., &
Pronizius, E. (2023).
Cognitive and Affective Empathy as Relating to Binge-Drinking in Late Adolescence.
Toribio-Flórez, D., Altenmüller, M., Douglas, K. ...
Pronizius, E. ... & Wojcik, A.D. (2023).
Victims of Conspiracies? An Examination of the Relationship between Conspiracy Beliefs and Dispositional Individual Victimhood.
Mikus, N., Pronizius, E., Skeen, S. ... Lamm, C., & Tomlinson, M. (2023).
The Effects of a Life-skills Training Programme on Moral Judgment in Socioeconomically Deprived Communities in South Africa. (Submitted).
Chen, S.C., Buchanan, E.M., Kekecs, Z., Miller, J.K., Szabelska, A., Aczel, B. ...
Pronizius, E. ... & Chartier, C.R. (2018).
Investigating Object Orientation Effects Across 18 Languages.