Research Archive
News archive about my projects, studies, and accomplishments over the years.

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- 30.10.2024: New paper! RRR: A Large Multilab Cross-Cultural Conceptual Replication of "justified true belief."
- 30.10.2024: New preprint! The advantage of big team science: Lessons learned from cognitive science.
- 25.10.2024: I have been elected as the new Associate Director of the Psychological Science Accelerator.
- 25.10.2024: New preprint! Multi-region investigation of "man" as default in attitudes.
- 16.10.2024: New paper! Everyday helping during COVID-19.
- 11.10.2024: New paper! Self-Other Distinction Across Motor, Cognitive, and Affective Domains.
- 04.10.2024: (In)Alienable Worth? Stage 1 RR.
- 02.10.2024: New paper! The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: the Dataset.
- 29.09.2024: I was part of the ESSPD symposium: Impaired Self-Other Distinction across Mental Disorders.
- 22.09.2024: I gave a talk at the DGPs Congress! Empathy for Nature & Its Role in Environmentalism.
- 13.09.2024: New paper! The Replication Database: Documenting the Replicability of PsySci.
- 02.08.2024: Our Workshop Program is live! Some free spots are still left. Hurry :)
- 26.07.2024: New preprint! Trajectories of Fatigue & Their Influence on Stress during COVID-19.
- 01.07.2024: Stage 1 Snapshot! Students' OS attitudes.
- 12.06.2024: New job as a post-doc at the UCLouvain, Belgium!
- 12.06.2024: New preprint! Real and minimal-group biases.
- 12.06.2024: New preprint! Semantic Priming Effect Across Many Languages.
- 12.06.2024: Our RT preprocessing initiative received SIPS Commendation Award!
- 24.05.2024: Talk at ESCAN 2024
- 21.05.2024: New preprint! Bringing Big Team Science to Comparative Cognition Research.
- 17.05.2024: I pitched my idea of BTS at the LBG International forum
- 02.05.2024: New preprint! ViSe, Visual Sensitivity with R package.
- 26.04.2024: I received my Ph.D. (with distinction)
- 14.04.2024: New preprint! The Replication Database.
- 10.04.2024: New paper! Comparative cognition needs BTS
- 03.04.2024: SAVE THE DATE! Social Cognition Workshop in Brussels 27-28 Nov 2024
- 06.03.2024: Our project webpage is now live!
- 23.02.2024: I have been awarded the Postdoc Fellowship at UCLouvain, BE.
- 09.02.2024: New Paper! Addressing climate change - a mega-study.
- 09.02.2024: New preprint! Trust in Science across 67 Countries.
- 22.12.2023: New paper! New preprint! The TISP Dataset.
- 17.01.2024: Our WEAVE project received funding!
- 06.01.2024: New preprint! International Climate Psychology Collaboration Dataset.
- 29.12.2023: New paper! Reaction time data pre-processing checklist.
- 22.12.2023: I became PSA Data and Methods Assistant Director
- 22.12.2023: New paper! High Self-Selection of Ukrainian Refugees into Europe.
- 05.12.2023: I joined SIPS Conference programming committee. Call for 2024 Submissions!
- 29.11.2023: Shared own experience on lab size in nature methods
- 21.11.2023: New preprint! Climate Change Intervention Mega-Study.
- 05.11.2023: New preprint! Binge-Drinking and Empathy in Late Adolescence.
- 05.11.2023: I joined IES Abroad Austria as a lecturer.
- 01.11.2023: My first book chapter: "Covid-19 Pandemic Heroes"
- 26.10.2023: I gave a talk at the BTS23 conference: "BTS in Psychopathology"
- 22.10.2023: I gave a talk at the APA Division 34: "Empathy 4 Nature"
- 27.09.2023: New preprint! Comparative Cognition Needs BTS
- 03.09.2023: I gave a talk at the "Self-Other Workshop", Brussels, BE, 2023.
- 20.08.2023: Support Data Colada's Legal Defense
- 31.07.2023: received 10K SOLE SEED Grant (co-applicant)
- 11.06.2023: New fMRI paper! Interference control across the lifespan.
- 09.06.2023: I received Faculty Support and PhD-Seed Grants
- 22.04.2023: NASSPD Symposium "Self-other Distinction in Borderline PD Challenges & Opportunities"
- 03.04.2023: New paper! Homeostatic Regulation of Energy. Psychological Science.
- 19.02.2023: PCACR Rapid-Response Dataset published in Scientific Data!
- 11.01.2023: New paper! Stress / Mood & Music Listening during COVID. Jama.
- 01.01.2023: Preprint! Checklist for transparent reporting of RT pre-processing steps.
- New paper! Causal role of affect sharing. PlosOne
- Preprint! Affective consequences of effortful helping: EMA study.
- New paper: Social interactions during Covid-19: BJHP.
- 28.09.2022: Loss Framing during COVID-19: Affective Science.
- 16.07.2022: Self-other distinction is neither unitary nor domain-general
- I received Marietta Blau Grant from OeAD
- I became a PSA Data and Methods Committee member
- Pint of Science was featured in the Faculty News
- New preprint: PSACR COVID-19 Dataset
- New paper: Global experiment on social distancing. PSA consortium: PNAS.
- COVID-19 paper is out! Huge media-echo.
- Pint of Science was a huge success. See you in 2023!
- Ich zu Gast bei "ORF Monatsmagazin". (11-16 min)
- Vote for me in Photo Competition
- Pint of Science 2022: Das vollständige Programm ist ab jetzt online
- Moral judgments in the trolley dilemma featured in news
- New paper: Moral judgments in the trolley dilemma. Nature Human Behaviour
- New preprint: Social isolation vs fasting
- I support: Scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine
- New preprint: Stress, mood, and music during COVID-19
- Our project featured in faculty news!
- New preprint: COVID-19 & social interactions
- Forschungsnetzwerk Umwelt / Environmental Sciences Research Network (ESRN)
- Open Letter to Global Leaders - A Healthy Planet for Healthy People
- Unterschriftenliste zum Verzicht auf dienstliche Kurzstreckenflüge
- New preprint: COVID-19 in AT & IT (EMA study)
- New paper: Reappraisal during COVID-19. Nat Hum Behav (2021)
- Oral talk on stress and mood during COVID-19. WASAD, 20-22 September in Vienna!
- Interview: The COVID-19 impact on research in an Ambulatory Assessment Setting
- A new preprint: Global Experiment on Social Distancing
- PCR-Monitoring an österreichischen Schulen
- A new preprint - Reappraisal during COVID
- 16th PhD YSA Symposium - 17th and 18th June 2021
- Scientific confidentiality: how we gain insights into your everyday life
- PDF CV available for download
- New paper! PSA collaboration 2021
- New paper! Pronizius E. & Voracek M. (2020) #suicidality #skindisorders
- A statement by Scientists for Future concerning the protests for more climate protection
- Elected as Vice-President of Pint of Science Austria Verein
- Stimmung und Sozialverhalten während und nach der Corona-Krise - können Sie uns helfen?
- uni:docs 2019 - DoktorandInnen: Förderung für Veronika Tief und Ekaterina Pronizius.